
Larry Page, CEO of Google

“I live by the gospel of x10. Most companies would be happy to improve a product by 10 percent. Not me. I expect my employees to create products and services that are 10 times better than the competition. I’m not satisfied with discovering a couple of hidden efficiencies or tweaking code to achieve modest gains. x10 improvement requires rethinking problems entirely, exploring the edges of what’s technically possible, and having a lot more fun in the process”


Your DFQ #07 for today is: How can I escape?

What CVS can you try to escape from today?

747 thoughts on “#07 ESCAPE

  1. I need to escape from the notion that work is a sum of the multiple low level operational activities that I line up end to end to fill the day. The X10 jump would be to see the role as achieving a higher strategic purpose. Instead of focussing always on the “what am I doing now” and doing it, I should perhaps take the time to think about the “why” of my role. “Why am I doing this now.”

  2. My cvs is that I don’t have a lot to offer to the business world as my business was a statistic of the GFC and I lost everything. Cvs2bvs: Upskill (MLATSOT) and utilise what I learnt when my business was in deep trouble as an asset.

  3. The first question that comes to me is “are there many teachers among the students of this course?”
    I am not talking about teachers who speak to adults or young adults, but to those who deal with young people, even very young children, with this quasi-compulsory public consisting of their parents.
    If it seems to me easy to go from a cvs to a bvs in the business world – subject to doing what is necessary to achieve it, I have some difficulty in conceiving the thing on a practical level in the school area and more particularly at the level of the first lessons.
    Having his own bvs in a world that is not very flexible is not enough to have his vision of what this world ideally should be, this vision being of course depending on our ambient cognos. Successive ministers arrive with their own bvs and try to translate it into reality, without much success judging by the mediocre results of our pupils. A bvs is both broader and more concrete. To be continued.


    La première question qui me vient est “y a-t-il beaucoup d’enseignants parmi les étudiants de ce cours ?”
    Je ne parle pas des enseignants qui s’adressent à des adultes ou à de jeunes adultes mais de ceux qui ont affaire à de jeunes, voire très jeunes enfants, avec ce public annexe quasi obligé constitué de leurs parents.
    S’il me semble facile de passer d’une cvs à une bvs dans le monde de l’entreprise – sous réserve de faire ce qu’il faut pour y parvenir, j’ai quelque difficulté à concevoir la chose sur un plan pratique dans le domaine scolaire et plus particulièrement au niveau des premiers enseignements.
    Avoir sa propre bvs dans un monde assez peu souple, ce n’est pas se contenter d’avoir sa vision de ce que ce monde, idéalement, devrait être, cette vision étant bien sûr fonction de notre cognos ambiant. Les ministres successifs arrivent avec leur propre bvs et tentent de la traduire dans les faits, sans grand succès à en juger par les médiocres résultats de nos élèves.Une bvs, c’est à la fois plus vaste et plus concret. A suivre.

  4. I run a school for thinking. I started it in 2010 when I discovered the importance of teaching thinking as a skill. I have not been successful financially. While I do enjoy teaching thinking, I need to pay salaries, rent, and utility bills, among others. I want to escape my current view of the situation that I should teach via a physical center and that children should come to me for instructions on a face to face basis. Perhaps I should also escape the view that I should be teaching children. I don’t know but I do want to escape my current view to get to a better view.

  5. Things are not always as they appear. I am learning quickly the power of x10 not only in my day to day here at work but also significantly in the home and broader engagement with family.

  6. The current view that I want to escape is that 10% better is a huge increase. With this current mindset when I reach that 10% I feel like I’ve conquered Everest, and therefore stop searching for other alternatives. I need to leave this thinking behind and start dreaming a little bigger.

  7. I work in a medical imaging technology company. My team and I work on designing new imaging products. Another key role of my team is to validate the accuracy and performance of products that is currently under development. I find myself having these conversations around how performance can be improved 1-2% for a moderate cost of time. Butbased on X10 I keep saying that I’m happier with 10% but why not more and say 100% better or 10 times better performance. That is the true better value situation that we have to get to, as a team, from our current situation.

  8. I have started to escape from paying attention to side issues that usually reduce my energy during the work dayes. In this way , i am trying to fouce on how our NGO intends to rebuild momentum in improving work procedures and stranders.

  9. How can I improve my business by ten fold? How can I escape the CVS of my business to a BVS that is at least a 10 times better? How can I get 10 more clients? How can I get 10 more subscribers? How can I get 10 times more business associates? How can I improve my business 10 times better? How can I escape my current job 10 times faster? How can I deliver 10 times more value to my customers? How can I increase the size of their transaction by at least 10 times? How can I increase the frequency of my dealing with my clients by at least 10 folds? How can I become at least 10 times better at listening to my clients?

    1. These are the kind of x10 questions to challenge our status quo. Thinking outside our OWN box is the hardest lateral thinking of all. Work with these questions for a year, Kamyar, and then see what has shifted in your own life.

  10. I asked some stakeholders for feedback on my interactions , work with them. After overall some positive feedback one of them made a statement about me being too detailed , very conceptual etc . I sensed my cvs of defense bubbling up and then I said to my self about 5 times cvs to bvs , what is the bvs here sonia! . I found it !

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