

Here’s your DFQ #031:

How/when/where can I get more practise at this?

Plan a practise session and post your result.

250 thoughts on “#031 PRACTISE

  1. I have recently taken up Yoga but often find in the sessions that my mind starts to wander onto random thoughts. Prior to the last session I thought about what techniques I could use to stay more focused in the practice. During the last session I used my breathing as an anchor to clear any random thoughts and refocus on the execution of each movement in time with each breath, whilst silently repeating Positive energy on the inhalation and Peace on the exhalation. This strategy proved quite effective and I felt at the end of the session I had got a lot more benefit from it both physically and mentally.

  2. I watch my kids practise everything new. Watching children is a great way to recall how we should go about practising new tasks. Frustrating as it may be….

  3. In the sporting arena, practice is to improve skills while training is to improve fitness and stamina. The key aspect to practice is routine and regularity. If you don’t arrive at footie training on time, you miss the start and spend the session catching up. If you miss the whole session, you won’t get picked for the game.
    Ericsson talks about deliberate practice – isolating components of an action and developing each movement individually. He also emphasises setting stretch targets for each isolated component to drive improvement of the whole.
    How does this translate to cognitive training? I guess the DFQ’s are like the isolated components of a more complete action. The challenge is to find a regular time slot and just do them. The next challenge is to understand what the “whole” looks like. Is it a mosaic of small tiles or a large and coherent picture?

  4. Il est possible d’améliorer significativement sa vue avec un programme de rééducation par la gymnastique oculaire, moyennant une pratique quotidienne : rendez-vous dans six mois pour mesurer mes progrès.

    It is possible to significantly improve your vision with a program of rehabilitation by eye gymnastics, through a daily practice: go in six months to measure my progress.

  5. My practise session was the at the beach. I want to improve at a surfing manoeuvre. First I did a visualisation of me performing the manoeuvre, then I followed the tenets of SDNT. So the practise session was very focussed on noticing and refining. Later, when I was just having a surf and being in the moment I felt really loose and confident.

  6. I often hesitate between going through a thorough training or actually practicing without full knowledge of what I’m doing. The latter allows me to get things done way before I would have started had I finish the course but the former would ensure that I’d deliver something right the first time. I need to balance the two by learning the basics everyday while starting on small projects to test the knowledge.

  7. I plan to practice more deliberate thinking next week. When I teach young children how to think, I will be working with them, practicing with them. My viewpoint has always been about practice, repetition and rehearsal. I immediately do things and expect failure which in turn would give me more opportunity to practice, to hone my thinking, to innovate.

  8. Planing a training session with effective training contents will help me to use efficiently my time and energy , and also will help me to measure progress.
    Now, I need to think about my training target multiple times and imagin how to deal with it , then I put my plan.
    Here are the essential items of my plan; I am trying to:
    – isolate a single skill to focus all of my energy on developing it;
    – plan for development over time and account for practicing multiple skills;
    – arrange my training session for work and rest;
    – Limit the duration of practice to maintain focus and avoid time wasting;
    – do some drills and interspersed small doses of the skill between other parts of the session.

  9. I am trying to be more aware of my emotional response to myriad situations.
    And whenever I feel a bit of shortness of breath I realize there is a bit of stress. Then I have to force myself to take a deep breath , pause analyse the situation , people and use the switch …cvs to bvs ; system 1 to system 2 thinking.
    Practice is possible with awareness , mindfulness,

  10. I planned a practice session on how to use an app called “sketch” for User Interface design. I spent an hour on it. Didn’t get very far. There was a lot of set up required. I will continue doing an hour a day until I get better. I always refer back to my days practicing to juggle when doing things like this. I couldn’t even catch the third ball for the first 10 minutes and gave up in frustration. I can juggle now, and even after years of not juggling, I can still pick up 3 apples and juggle at will.

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