456 thoughts on “#015 JUST SUPPOSE

  1. Just suppose I actually take the neccessary actions and put my new plans into action, I will be able to improve my live and lives of many more people in many ways than now.

  2. My personal relationships, my business, my career PLUS I can create more employment, help more people in more ways.

  3. Just suppose everyone was paid according to their passion and compatibility for their career. Everyone would choose to do what they were passionate about because money would t be an issue. People would lead happier lives and society would benefit as a whole fr having excellent workers in all sectors.

  4. Just suppose we elected politicians based not on them proving themselves right or the other side wrong, but based on their ability to build on ideas and generate new creative solutions to the age old issues around health, education and social welfare.

  5. Just suppose I didn’t have to think about the physical world? Would I suddenly discover how much it teaches me?

  6. Just suppose teachers become students, what would they say?
    Just suppose all the learning material for a course is available on the web exactly as per the requirements of instruction design what would the teacher do in the class?

  7. Just suppose that I won in Lotto lottery 10M USD. Initially it would be WOW. I have a lot of money. From day one there is no need to work for leaving anymore. Then it came first objection should I inform my wife, children, closest family, friends, neighbours about that winning? I am risking loosing good contacts with them, because they will be jealous. Then it will come first decisions to share the money with my wife, children, closest family or not? Share money with wife and children in my case is obvious and do not have problem with it and I want to share also with closest family. And then next problem is coming if share with them, how much? Next challenge is coming if to give money for charity and how much? Next challenge is if I trust the charity organisation. Do they use that donation right? Or they consume it for themselves?
    For sure if I share information that I won the money in lotto lottery the information about that leak to neighbours and friends. They will start to be jealous and most probably stop talk to me. It is possible that me and my family will be exposed to theft, because there is a rumor that we are reach.
    So as a consequence of the above most probably I would lost relationship with some part of family and me and my family would have to change the place of leaving and loose friends.
    Next if there was no reason to work for leaving what I would do. Maybe in my case it is not a problem because I have always something to do, but what about my children. Today I have challenge in convincing them to learn because computer games, Facebook, Youtube are far more interesting that going to school and doing homework, etc.

    To sum up I made that exercise some time ago and I came to the point that I do not take risk and I do not play in lotteries 🙂

    “Just suppose” is for me very useful tool, because it helps in evaluating if something is worth doing or could just brings more problems.

  8. Just suppose that I was able to develop my intuition to the point where I trusted everything that my intuition told me. I would be able to quickly make decisions in all areas of my life, enabling me to move along a path that would steer me to a fulfilling life.

  9. Just suppose that I had a business that would bring in a substantial monthly passive income. This will allow me more flexibility and more freedom to focus more on family, children, and self development. In addition, I would be able to donate my time through volunteer work and to the community.

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