Your DFQ #11:

How can you ask yourself this question today:

What is the opportunity here?

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519 thoughts on “#11 OPPORTUNITY

  1. The opportunity – Increase my cognitive thinking ability X10 by increasing the sensory inputs to assist in this development through the following means:

    • Start to publish articles on my own thinking that should attract alternate or associated thinking responses that when developed in collaboration with others will be able to identify continual BVS’s improving the cohorts cognitive abilities.

    • Look for others who are publishing their own thinking conclusions through various digital channels to in turn think about their thinking and provide responses creating the same results as highlighted in point 1 in reverse.

    • Continue to identify and participate in courses/training that look to develop cognitive skills.

    • Continue to look for opportunities to practice X10 thinking wherever possible during the course of each day.

    • Look for opportunities to develop X10 thinking skills within others which in parallel should assist again in further developing my own X10 thinking capability.

  2. the opportunity for me is to completely re think how we approach delivering service to our customer – happier customers, better efficiency and happier teams

  3. Often there is too much to do or competing demands. It’s an opportunity to focus on what’s really important – not just getting things done. Bringing focus hopefully means that effort is directed to the end goal and not just the intermediate tasks which (e.g.) could or should be jettisoned if they’re not actually helping getting to the goal

  4. I took some time to explore Daniel Kahneman’s notion of ‘memory vs experience’. Interesting ideas! Thanks JohnR. Back to thinking about the question at hand: ‘what is the opportunity here’? I think the statement ‘in every crisis lies the seed of opportunity’ may have changed my current view of the situation. My CVS if you like. Currently trying to look at needs which may uncover opportunities. We seem to be confronted by needs on many fronts:
    1 the need for energy which is reliable and affordable, and which doesn’t damage our planet at the same time and
    2 the need for a sustainable food source to feed the world’s population and
    3 the need to invest [ie. add value] in a disrupted economy.

  5. The opportunity here (now) is to create a pause and review a situation before barrelling forwards with the impetus of the moment, to analyse before reacting to a each crisis reflexively and look for the possibility of an upward shift arising from an alternative interpretation. A favourite interpersonal example comes from The Dalai Lama. He says that having to deal with a difficult person is an opportunity to learn better patience and compassion. There seems to be overlap here with the “Thinking Fast and Slow” concept of Daniel Kahneman. Looking for the opportunity is analagous to his “thinking slow”.

  6. What I have found recently is that sometimes if I am in a stressful situation (CVS) I need a trigger to switch into BVS thinking. I have found saying the words “Stop, what is the opportunity here?” Provides that trigger to transition out of catastrophe mindset and switch to creative mode.

  7. Even in the most trivial circumstances of everyday life, opportunities can be found. I have been looking for a reflexology practitioner in my city for a long time, willing to listen to his patient and to trust his feelings. This summer, I had the great joy of taking my granddaughters on vacation. Shortly before the end of the trip, I broke my hand and did not immediately see a doctor. Back home, I was handicapped for certain things and went to a pedicure that I was recommended. I came back with the address of a reflexologist of the city who does not advertise and whose clientele is recruited by word of mouth: it is absolutely fantastic and the work I needed is now in the process to be realized.


    Mêmes dans les circonstances les plus triviales de la vie quotidienne, on peut trouver des opportunités. Je cherche depuis longtemps dans ma ville un-e praticien-ne de la réflexologie qui accepte d’écouter son patient et de faire confiance à son ressenti. Cet été, j’ai eu la grande joie d’emmener mes petites-filles en vacances. Peu avant la fin du séjour, je me suis fracturé une main et je n’ai pas tout de suite pu voir un médecin. De retour chez moi, j’étais handicapée pour certaines choses et je suis allée chez une pédicure qu’on m’avait recommandée. J’en suis revenue avec l’adresse d’une réflexologue de la ville qui ne fait pas de publicité et dont la clientèle se recrute par le bouche à oreille : elle est absolument fantastique et le travail dont j’avais besoin est maintenant en train de se réaliser.

  8. The opportunity balances between my goal in life to help others and my need and interest in making money. Can i make money from helping others and how? If someone who needs my help for free, do I help? At the individual level, the answer is always yes to the latter due to the wider definition of wealth I believe in. My focus for the rest of the time developing and growing businesses that help others.

    It is this kind of opportunity-thinking that leads me to start the 50-50 group (50 years old defining and planing their next 50 years.)

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