AI is coming!! Protection: upgrade software for your brain today …


AI is coming and much of it, of course, is already here. You may need better protection. Your may need to upgrade the software your brain is currently using (Greco-Roman Logic) and get much faster software for your brain.

AI is coming. By 2030 there will be two dominant thinking machines on Earth. Carbon. Silicon.

Carbon – best example the human brain – is 15 billion years in development. It’s far, far superior to AI silicon machines. Silicon can’t even laugh or sing. However, silicon may be beating us in the software race. 

Most human brains are using English Thinking, which is excellent but not enough to stay ahead of silicon thinking. English Thinking uses, as it’s operating system, Greco Roman Logic. The binary algorithm of Right/Wrong, Black,White, Us/Them etc etc. Inside the box thinking. It’s 2500 years old.

We need to upskill to outside the box thinking. We need trinary thinking. What we need to do is to upgrade our software for the brain especially the PFC (Pre Frontal Cortex). It may only take around 10 hours of expert lateral thinking coaching per human brain. For a clever Australian government this would be less than the cost of a single nuclear submarine.

silicon may be beating us in the software race

Nothing on Earth is more powerful than lateral thinking. For example its ten times faster than ChatbotGPT which also uses Greco-Roman Logic. It cannot think outside its own box.

ChatGPT cannot do lateral thinking.

x10 Thinking is an example of lateral thinking and this first lesson begins a journey of discovery that we will take together.


We will start off x10 THINKING by helping you to understand some interesting and useful facts about basic cognitive neuroscience and the plasticity of your brain so you can upgrade your own thinking software … new apps for your brain. Scientists call this “thinking about thinking” or metacognition.

5,226 thoughts on “AI is coming!! Protection: upgrade software for your brain today …

  1. That even ‘thinking’, a task we do everyday, has great potential for improvement for us to think faster, more efficiently, more effectively for our needs and purposes. To become skilled at a task requires repetition and practise and a feedback loop to learn from mistakes, so to become skilled at thinking also requires repetition and practise and a feedback loop to learn from mistakes.

  2. NEMO NASCITUR SAPIENS ARTIFEX!this to informed that no one is born a thinker,you leave to think and rethink for others to learn and expose for batter views in life.

  3. NEMO NASCITUR SAPIENS ARTIFEX. Maybe I can improve my thinking after all. Think more profoundly. And increase the speed of thinking. There is so much to do & it starts with thinking. I am reminded of the the motto of my school in Africa: ‘so much to do, so little done”.

  4. No-one is born a skilled thinker. But skills can be taught.
    The ability to think about thought – to abstract – probably appears when a child starts to try to understand what his/her parents, siblings, friends, pets etc. are thinking about. A child develops a theory of the mind – working out what others are thinking. When and if the child/adolescent/adult develops an ability to think about their own thoughts depends on a minimum innate intelligence, modelling of “thinking” by others, general education (having a rich enough language to process complex concepts in internal thoughts) and opportunity (if they are too busy subsisting or surviving, then they will not have time for reflection).
    Given the prerequisites are in place, then it should be possible to teach thinking skills to any one.

  5. If no-one is ever born a skilled thinker, then one must be taught or guided in how to do so. This means that a person must find someone who has learned to think skillfully and learn from her or him the skills necessary to master the techniques necessary to become a skilled thinker.

  6. Everyone is born to think free until they get to school, where their minds are molded and being conformed into the shape that society expects of them. After years of molding and conforming, everyone is behaving within the box and does not need to think. Thus the need to teach people the necessary skills to escape and think outside the box.

  7. In this competitive world we are in today, nothing is the same, and yet many people, maybe only myself (?) tend to jump to a conclusion without deeply thinking. I really need to “think” by fully utilizing my own hardware “my brain” and software (this should be upgraded through this learning process.). Thank you, Michael, for guiding me and providing a chance to upgrade my software !

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