350 thoughts on “#019 THINK

  1. I need to think about further development of my metacognition skills and in particular improving consistency and speed of triggering the CVS2BVS switch. I believe gains can be made by when presented with information that forms a CVS to automatically trigger (arising through continuous repetition) of the ‘Why’ and ‘What If’ propositions that in turn will automatically trigger movement within thinking enabling a BVS and therefore a path of action to be initiated.

  2. L’expression “faire avancer le schmilblick” est tout à fait appropriée, avec un ou des objectifs vers lesquels avancer. Pour se mettre soi-même en mouvement, à chacun de trouver sa stratégie personnelle. Si cette stratégie n’est pas efficace (instrument de mesure, le degré de procrastination), trouver le moyen d’en changer et c’est la qu’il faut remarquer tout ce qui doit l’être dans sa propre façon de faire, même ce qu’on ne peut ou ne veut pas voir.
    Faire avancer une affaire dans laquelle d’autres personnes sont impliquées est une tout autre histoire mais cela me remet en mémoire une suggestion entendue il y a fort longtemps : provoquer un léger déséquilibre, juste suffisant pour que la ou les personnes concernées doivent faire un pas afin de rétablir leur équilibre, puis, lorsqu’elles auront fait ce premier pas, espérer (faire en sorte !) qu’elles fassent le pas suivant.

    The phrase “advance the schmilblick” is quite appropriate, with one or more goals to move forward. To put yourself in motion, everyone to find his own strategy. If this strategy is not effective (measuring instrument, the degree of procrastination), find the way to change it and it is the one that must be noticed all that must be in its own way of doing, even what we can not or do not want to see.
    Advancing a case in which other people are involved is a different story but it reminds me of a suggestion heard a long time ago: to cause a slight imbalance, just enough for the person (s) involved to take a step to restore their balance, then, when they have taken that first step, hope (make sure!) that they take the next step.

  3. Newton’s first law of motion “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” Objects tend to keep on doing what they’re doing. It is the natural tendency of objects to resist changes in their state of motion – their CVS. It is natural to protect the current view and not be wrong. Fear (of being wrong, being embarrassed) can lead to fight or flight (movement) I find for me it leads to freeze (inertia) I need to think about the switch, the escape from the current view. The switch CVS2BVS is the “unbalanced force”

  4. There’s an excellent French idiom: “faire avancer le schmilblick” (to make the schmilblick move ahead”). The word ‘schmilblick’ was created in the 1950s by French humorist Pierre Dac and is now synonymous with ‘thing’.

    To me, this idiom means that everything we do or think should be making the schmilblick move, whatever the schmilblick represents to you or I. Everything is movement, the body, the mind, your time, and the moment one stops, entropy kicks in.

    So for every idea I have, I need to pair it with action, if not, it’s just a mental entropy.

  5. Think? How do I escape from my CVS? I want to think about what I want to dedicate the next half of my life. I am thinking of a reboot – a qualitative break from what I am currently doing to something different. I am thinking – what I start anew? Iinstead of working to deepen the current well, what if I start a new hole. Will it be worthwhile? Will I regret it?

  6. I start with what is available and i do it. During doing it and after getting it done, i can notice the gap between what i need and what i get , then i think how to bridge the gap , or take a doable alternative.
    In this phase , i have a chance to start again with the alternative.

  7. I think about, clearly state and understand my CVS. I then clearly state my BVS. I will also be open to other possibilities as well. I then seek out people that already doing what I want to achieve and see how they’re doing it. I think how can I benefit from their experiences? How can I get them to teach me, mentor me or guide me to a better way of resolving my chllanges?

  8. Start do notice think
    One can use what has been done, what has been noticed and other provocations to think about what has been learned and what could be done going forward

  9. perform “thought experiments”
    challenge my own theories
    stop overthinking
    start believing !

  10. I like to get movement by getting a large dump of information from wherever I can. For example, if I am hiring for a new position in the organisation, I look at at least 20-30 current job advertisements for the same position to get ideas I have never thought about regarding the position.

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