Jack Welch: “The Simplest Idea in the World”

In the 80s, Jack Welch of GE was a great proponent of x10 thinking. He used cvs2bvs as a killer management app for value-creation and watched it spread across his enterprise. He did this because he said, “GE x10 is the simplest idea in the world!”

Jack nicknamed the cvs2bvs idea ‘boundarylessness’ and by the time he left as CEO, Jack had transformed GE’s value 4000% making it the most valuable company in the history of the world.

Today, Larry Page of Google is the best proponent of x10 thinking and today Google is the most valuable company in the world. Larry Page nicknames x10 thinking ‘moonshot thinking’.

Jack wrote: “I wish I had a management team that really understood Michael’s x10 algorithm because it is the value-added role in the management process”.

Even before the www and the rise of Google Jack Welch understood the viral power of simplicity. He used cvs2bvs as a killer management app for value-creation and watched it spread across his enterprise. He did this because he said, “GE x10 is the simplest idea in the world!”

CONTACT: Arrange a meeting with Michael and your CEO


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