Here’s your DFQ #023:

Ask yourself: How should I think strategically about this?

What strategy should I use?

Judgment or design?


Should I use my black hat or put on my green hat?

336 thoughts on “#023 STRATEGY

  1. How I think strategically about something must be dependent on the problem /Challenge faced when analysed on its own merits and not simply taken at face value. Therefore, the thinking strategy outcome for each given scenario will be dependant on what metacognition has been applied to it, and as such this will often require the application of several if not all of the six coloured thinking hats (i.e. not just Black or Green) to arrive at a solution/way forward to the challenge faced.

  2. One of the roles of an administration is to deal with critical incidents and accidents. When presented with a situation in which something has gone wrong, the easiest thing is to wear the black hat (or the Bishop’s Mitre) and judge the protagonists (sinners). What takes more imagination and time is to examine the circumstances and look for what really happened and why. Root cause analysis is a structured attempt to wear the green hat. The ultimate goal is not to choose a “fair” punishment, but to design a better system where the error or problem becomes harder and harder to reproduce.

  3. Dans le précédent post, j’ai précisé les domaines sur lesquels je me concentre en ce moment et c’est avec les chapeaux vert (soutenu par le blanc) et jaune que ma réflexion aboutira même si dans l’affaire il se rencontre beaucoup de chapeaux noir et rouge. Et, toujours, l’indispensable chapeau bleu !

    In the previous post, I specified the areas on which I concentrate at the moment and it is with the hats green (supported by white) and yellow that my reflection will end even if in the case one meets a lot of black and red hats. And, always, the indispensable blue hat!

  4. If it is a win/win situation where the endgame is to be creative in the process of adding value, my sales role for example then the Green Hat. This is certainly a change from when I was selling door to door and in the car trade when it was quite adversarial. It was the thrill of the hunt and very much about winning the sale. More Black Hat.

  5. Should we choose between judgement and design or give-up the former altogether?

    We judge naturally almost any situation we face. What would happen if we decided to design an answer instead each time we face a situation? It’d be like applying what-if to every decision.

    It’s decided, I choose the design strategy for all important situations from now on and keep the judgement for the life & death ones.

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