#03 What is the DFQ?

FEEDBACK: Click here if you want to read feedback from SOT members about how they use their training.


Albert Einstein:

Strange is our situation here on Earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that men and women are here for the sake of each other–above all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness depends, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.

DFQ #03 (Post your comment below):

Why is the DFQ method so effective? Discuss in a paragraph of around 25 words what you think is the main benefit of the DFQ training strategy?

2,835 thoughts on “#03 What is the DFQ?

  1. I think the main benefit of the DFQ strategy will be the practice and habit forming aspects of repeating the same (or similar) task each day. The consistent practice will hopefully help me improve, while the habit forming will hopefully help me actually use the skills I’m learning.

  2. As one gets older, it becomes apparent that we are all here for a purpose. The question becomes, what will the world be like once I am not longer here? Did I affect the globe in one form or another. We are only here for a short time so what will be the stamp or footprint that we will leave for the children of today….

  3. For me, the daily aspect is really important and useful. Its too easy to put off things till later; and thinking isnt even given the staus of a thing in its own right often. Being asked a question helps bring it into focus as a thing that requires attention. And the daily part is a useful “stick” to add to the “carrot” lest I fall behind too far!

  4. I use to say one day my thinking is going to increase more and more,thank God for the SOT which brought about thinking as a course of study.

  5. D. I am trying to change my thinking. A critical success factor is that I start thinking differently on a daily basis to make this change..
    F. I need to take some concrete action and provide feedback.
    Q. Thinking often starts with a question.

  6. DFQ is different from forms of training I have experienced in the past and methods I have used to teach my students. The regular nudges and questions are different from a traditional “thought for the day” where the originality lies with the writer and the reader passively receives the concept. Sometimes a “thought for the day” will resonate briefly but a good DFQ can stimulate ongoing thinking for much longer. Compare hitting a basic marimba with ringing a bell. The note is clearer and the vibration persists for much longer.

  7. DFQ is effective as I move my soul out of the body shell and look at my body… and then think…
    a short period in the day… where I get to separate soul from body and think.

  8. The DFQ is a moment in time when I remove myself from the noise of life and focus on one particular question. It’s a bit like a cone of silence. It forces me to shut out distractions and look inside. By doing this everyday it is building up a habit of thinking behaviour.

  9. First of all, echoing the words of Albert Einstein, I can not resist the pleasure of quoting a sentence whose value I have largely experienced and which I regret not knowing the author: “If you are innocent of the head you have, you are responsible for the mouth you make. ”
    As for the DFQ, it brings discipline, develops the ability to focus while mastering time, in short, rigor and concentration.

    Tout d’abord, en écho aux propos d’Albert Einstein, je ne résiste pas au plaisir de citer une phrase dont j’ai largement éprouvé la valeur et dont je regrette de ne pas connaître l’auteur : “Si vous êtes innocent de la tête que vous avez, vous êtes responsable de la gueule que vous faîtes.”
    Pour ce qui est du DFQ, il apporte une discipline, développe la capacité à se focaliser tout en maîtrisant le temps, en bref, rigueur et concentration.

  10. The DFQ is (or should be) effective because it builds skill by repetition. When I do a DFQ on a daily basis, I do something – thinking, writing, reacting, composing, directing my attention – on a daily basis. Part of thinking is the skill of directing attention. In a world where there is so much distraction, where there are just too many things calling for one’s attention, DFQ builds the skill of focus and attention. DFQ also builds commitment. It is akin to an underground pipe which one enters and cannot get out except at the end.

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